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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


The name is Verra. Call her any Ve, Ella, she doesn't care much anyway. She is a spontaneous. She speaks whatever on her head. She does whatever she feels like to do. She is a die-hard fan of Coldplay and Muse. She thinks Lady Gaga is a brand new Bitch. Just awesome. Her greatest inspiration is her Lord, Buddha

She isnot a Perfect Human Being


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


blaa blahh blaaaaaaaaahhhh.


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

Juni 2008
Desember 2008
Januari 2009
Februari 2009
Maret 2009
April 2009
Mei 2009
Juni 2009
Juli 2009
Agustus 2009
September 2009
Oktober 2009
November 2009
Desember 2009
Januari 2010
Februari 2010
Maret 2010
April 2010
Mei 2010
Juli 2010
Agustus 2010
September 2010
Oktober 2010
November 2010
Desember 2010
Januari 2011
Februari 2011
Maret 2011
April 2011
Mei 2011
Juni 2011
Juli 2011
Agustus 2011
September 2011
Februari 2012
Maret 2012
April 2012
Juli 2012
Desember 2012
Februari 2013
Maret 2013
Oktober 2014



Layout Designer:

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Pertama gw mw ngucapin beribu ribu ratus terima kasih bwt classmate gw yg supeerr baeek.
'siska step, i THANKED you'. *enggak, siska engga kena pnyakit Step, gag sampe ayan"*

siska i love you, karna uda minjemin diriku ini DVD NODAME!!! Gyaaaaa....
walopun ini dorama uda gw nonton dua kali tetep ajaaaa seruuuuu.. i love concerto love.

there's Nodame, cewek super jorokkk *masi lebi jorokan dia drpd gw! makhluk macam apa dy nie?* , berantakan *mygod. mirip bgd ma gw*, rada gila, tapi yg paling pasti nodame cewe yg perhatian banged *that's just so me, wkwkwk*.

Nodame *Ueno Juri* jadi murid piano di momogaoka college dan she's just that talented. tapi gag banyak yang nyadar keahlian dy karena dia orangnya terlalu serampangan.

Oneday, Nodame ketemu sama CHIAKI SHINICHI -
cowok cakep, cool, dan sangat bertalenta, jago piano dan biola(perfect!)- tertidur didepan pintu apartemen. started by that, nodame jadi parasit buat chiaki. chiaki yang ngeberesin rumahnya yang kayak Tong sampah, masakin makanan buat Nodame, juga terkadang nyuciin rambutnya.

chiaki senpai -panggilan nodame bwt chiaki- punya cita-cita terpendam jadi konduktor, tapi karena dy punya semacam phobia dgn pesawat, impian chiaki buat study conductor aboard musti terhambat, bahkan terancam gagal.

Namun sejak dirinya bertemu dengan Strezzman, *maestro mesum dan cabul*, chiaki sedikit demi sedikit mulai menuju impiannya. Chiaki dipaksa mengkonduktori S orkestra yang diisi para murid aneh. dan chiaki berhasil! chiaki menjadi murid dari maestro stressman untuk belajar conductor.

sedangkan Nodame, dirinya masih semangat mensupport Senpai-nya, namun mendengar chiaki bakalan ke eropa karena profesinya sbg konduktor sangat hebat, dirinya mati-matian ingin ikut ke eropa, caranya ia rela mengikuti kompetisi piano..

aaahhhh,, gw males cerita lagi nihhh... pokoknya kudu ngeliat..

berikut adalah Opini gw sehabis nonton dorama ini kedua kalinya..

gw terang terinspirasi dengan semangat juang dan tekad meraih impian dari nodama dan chiaki. well,, gw juga punya impian yang besar seperti mereka, dan sehabis nonton dorama ini gw semakin bersemangat mengejar mimpi.

selain itu, gw juga jadi jatuh cinta sama chiaki senpai.. yapaarriiiii.. dy cakep bangedd.
gw baru tahu klo yang meranin chiaki senpai itu Tamaki Hiroshi dan HE's a SINGER!!!
wow.,, i always like singer.

Nodame is so lucky,, kampret tuh anak, enak banged dy bisa tinggal sebelahan sama chiaki, jadian sama chiaki yang super keren.. GYAAAA.. gw juga mauuu.. hwehe.

sekianlah sedikit curhatan gw,

OIYAA!!! gw baru tauu ternyata Concerto Love/ Nodame contabile ada seri Specialnya..
Nodame Cantabile Shinshun Special in Europe,,
KYAAA! TIDAAAKKK!!! Napa dari kemaren" gw enggak Updateee!! *sungguh sebuah penyesalan mendalam*
pokoknya special edition ini bakalan gw carriiii kemana-mana..
gw beneran pengen nontonnnn!!!

suara dalam hati says. *inget ver, loe maw ikut TO minggu depan!!*

gw : so what!

WAIT For me chiaki senpai...


♥our lips must always be sealed

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

fav fav bars.

lagu yang gw suka..

well, gw sukaakk bangedd sama lagu mellow rock!
lagunya mantaffff... cinta bangedd pokoknya..
dan lagu yang bisa bikin gw tersentuh dengan lirik-liriknya adalah...

here they are.

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again ...
(Dear God)


I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
But I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breath, it is dear. So please stay near....


Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(your call)

I'm standing on the bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now

There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening, but there's no sound

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you, take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
(i'm with you)


What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
(what about now)


itu doank ahh..
abis lagi males ngetik, cuiyy.,
entar deh gw update lagi..

cao! =]


♥our lips must always be sealed


valentine udah lewad.
wew. coklat - coklat berbagai rasa *emang ada* uda numpuk - numpuk gag jelas di kulkas gw.
gw ngebayangin mau butuh brapa lama ngabisin ntu coklat, secara kayaknya coklat yg dikasi k gw pada Dark Chocolate smua, yg so pasti bakalan paiiidddd...
but still, gw seneng dikasi coklat. =]

secara gw jomblo paling happie sedunia, valentine kayaknya adalah hari yg paling menyedihhhkkaaaannn... *tragis* gyahaha.,.
gimana engga. pagi disekolah, semua pada hebohh ntar malem mw 'dinner' dimana..
bagi gw yg jomblo, itu moment yg ironis temen-temen.

kayak si bayu nih nanyain gw : Ntar malem kemana, Ver?
gw cuma manyun jawab : dirumah, makan indomie, nonton DVD. *cape deh*
eehhh, si bayu ketawa. Kampret.

TUH! Gimana gag kesel ditanyain gitu.
harusnya gw bisanya jawab : iya ada acara sama pacar tersayang... *beuhh~~ ngayal* ciakakak

kalo masi euphoria romantis gini gw jadi keinget sama si Dia-Yg-Entah-Ada-Dimana.
wew, berharap bgd bisa ketemu dy lagi. Maybe someday??... hwehe..=]


♥our lips must always be sealed

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Wew. Im here again... ngebuka blog. Nuang isi pikiran gw yg lg sumpek sangad. Weekend is just a simply word 'Enjoy'. jadi gw enggak mau ngerusak hari minggu gw dengan muka dan pikiran stress. :]

Anywy.. Iya betul!! *apaan heboh ndiri* Betul banged gw emang lagi sibuk. Gos
h,, I've never been 'half to die' busy like this before.. Oohh, enggak. gw engga tiba-tiba jadi artis sinetron buat bikin sinetron stripping. gw enggak tiba-tiba jadi kayak cinta laura dengan seabrek kegiatan. --please.. napa gw mesti kepikiran cinta laura?--

gw cuma -faktanya- jadi murid kelas 3 SMA yang 2 bulan lagi bakalan ngadepin 'final test' (baca:Ujian Nasional) dan gw sedang 'bengek-bengeknya' mengulang kembali pelajaran kelas 1 da
n 2 dan melanjutkan juga pelajaran kelas 3. Oohh Wow. gw engga yakin Harddisk otak gw sanggup nampung. hwehe. Gw yakin gw bisa lulus. *kata orang kan kita musti Optimis*. tapi gw juga yakin kalo gw enggak belajar 'half to die' kayak sekarang, mimpi gw buat menyelesaikan wajib belajar 12 tahun gw bakalan hancur-hancuran. gw gag parno sama UN. *iyalah, gw kan juga pernah ngadepin waktu SMP*, but.. it's just like this time i have to prepare myself muchmuchmuch more. i dont want any stupid thing ruin my life now. Ok, -my school life-.



♥our lips must always be sealed